Istat blood test results
Istat blood test results

istat blood test results

The green turtle ( Chelonia mydas), also known as the black turtle in the Pacific Ocean, is a marine chelonian inhabiting oceans throughout the world. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease. The values reported in this study provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galapagos sea turtles. For hematocrit count, the iSTAT blood analyzer yielded results indistinguishable from those obtained with high-speed centrifugation. All other values showed no significant difference between the two sample locations nor were they correlated with body size or internal temperature. Of all blood analytes, only lactate concentrations were positively correlated with body size. Standard laboratory hematology techniques were employed for the red and white blood cell counts and the hematocrit determination, which was also compared to the hematocrit values generated by the iSTAT. The two methods yielded clinically equivalent results. Parameter values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (1) with standard formulas and (2) with auto-corrections made by the iSTAT.

istat blood test results

#Istat blood test results portable#

A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near immediate field results for pH, lactate, pO 2, pCO 2, HCO 3 −, Hct, Hb, Na, K, iCa, and Glu. Of these turtles, 20 were immature and of unknown sex the other eight were males (five mature, three immature). Analyses were done on blood samples drawn from 28 green turtles captured in two foraging locations on San Cristóbal Island (14 from each site). Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some chelonian species, but baseline hematology, biochemical, and blood gas values are lacking from the Galapagos sea turtles. The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is an endangered marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution.

Istat blood test results